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12-24-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 21
Post ID: 12541
Reply to: 12530
A Year Goes By Like Nothing
The Big Deal for me this year was programing, in the sense that I now have more ready access to more music since I figured out the correlation between (measured) record thickness and arm heigth (VTA).  Now I just put the record on the platter, adjust the arm height once, dust the record, drop the stylus, then sit back and listen, remote in hand. Very nice.

Second place for me is still program.  I found and tuned into some new-for-me material that injected new life into my hi-fi at a time when I might otherwise have just dropped it.  Since I do this 95/05 music/hi-fi fun, I have no plans to continue the hi-fi part without musical reasons to do it.  I have gotten reasons enough this year, but just barely, in view of the final cost/benefit ratio.

Some big things have not changed much this year.  The Same Old Shit for me is - - -  what else?

I am almost happy for the one or two people who may have figured out a serious way to address the effing electricity.  I will make another inane post to the electricity thread, anon.  Meanwhile, the sudden arrival of very good electricity makes me feel both elated and let down at the same time.  Elated because I can hear what I yearn and have strived for.  Let down because I hear this so rarely that several times again this year I came to question pretty much everything I've done to date, at one time or another during the year.

Of course I have read everything that's been written about fixing bad electricity, and I have tried to get a feel for what all the talk means.  In this and other matters I tend to use "reason and logic" right up to the last second, then I make an intuitive decision.  I wish I felt comfortable with APS, or at least comfortable with their "customer service"; but I just don't.  And now that my free time has shrunk right along with my income, I have to weigh such decisions all the more carefully.  Two years ago I might have just taken a flyer, come to that, with reserves sufficient to eat it and free time enough to make them want to settle with me, as they (finally) did with Romy.  But I no longer have these options.

Today, among other tunes, I listened again to Ravel's Piano Trio and String Quartet.  The electricity was great and I was swept away with the wonderful performances and the phenomenal music, both.  This is why I do hi-fi.  So, being short-sighted as well as stupid and lazy, I think I've ended this year on a high note (and I'll start the New Year the same).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Paul S.
12-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 15214
Reply to: 3406
The year 2010-2011. My Audio
It was as a year with a 2 major of audio events: New listening room, New Midbass horns, New ULF channel.

It took almost 6 months to get any more or less reasonable sound in my new listening room, not that I was working so long on the room but rather I was working on other new house projects. However, for 6 month I did not have any worthy sound in my room. Just the last week or two I have reach some more or less listenable balance where I feel the playback become musical again. If the PP2000 regenerators do not turn south on me lately I would have all my sound locked. The power regenerators will be fixed one way or other and I do feel that in the end of this year my room and my listening environment will be all set. I was planning to do Audio-Xmax party – to invite a bunch of local NE audio people and to demonstrate a truly assassinative listening program but the events with PurePower truly blew air out of my tires …

What are my plans for 2011? I have a few. I am sure that I will be working with fine refinement of Macondo in the new room. I look forward to review the Macondo Fundamental Channel, will it be my new 18-cell or not I do not know year but I would like to make it even more contributive.  I will probably experiment with my ULF channel, Maybe do 18” driver or might be refine/move the existing one, I do not know – I need my lower bass back. I would need to organize my LPs in the way how they were organize before I moved – now is all screwed up and I can find anything. I would like to raise my antenna for another 15 feet.  If I have desire then I would world on my Altec 19 converting it to Cetla loudspeaker. That is about it regarding my plans for 2011.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 15216
Reply to: 15214
Good evolution. . .
If PurePower successfully reconfigures the PP2000, which looks possible although not certain, 2010 should be categorized as a great year. Else, you made some good forward progress and need to do a deep power dive. As this system will be evolving into eternity, I think the audio-xmas party would be fun and a good way to discuss areas for development in real time regardless of problems.
12-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 24
Post ID: 15217
Reply to: 15216
Sea Change
2010 was marked by the best music sessions I have had in my life.  Changes to the K&K and iDAT DAC that I have chronicled were challenging to integrate but ultimately very worthwhile, and re-working the DEBZ crossovers has gotten me, I think, about as far as I can go with this format.  I still suffer the ups and downs of the electricity that the utility serves to me, but overall I had many more acceptable and more special days than in the past, whether mostly due to Smart Power or relentlessly dialing the extra "HF" out of the system, I can't say.  A fair bit of new-to-me music has been a nice surprize.  I suppose the "Hobby" part of this is the relentless quest for "improvement".  But I am actually pretty content on the Music level at this point, given good power and good Program.  Of course, "improvements" also open the door to the old Hi-Fi staple, re-listening.

At this time I am well into a wild and wooley experiment with substantially modifying and/or building my own drivers, goaded by Haralanov, who is light years ahead of me in codifying this stuff.  I am excited about what I have heard so far, but it's far too soon to say more.

If business improves the way it looks like it might, I may even get into the frey directly with APS in 2011.  Perhaps then my bitching about them will be tolerated again!  I also have on hand - finally - all the materials I need to make up a pair of fully-shielded, multi-metal phono ICs.

Happy Holidays to All!

Paul S
12-31-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 15326
Reply to: 3406
Happy New Year
I would like to congratulate readers of my site with New Year. Best wishes to you and your families, unless you are a republican or an Audio-Moron.
The new year will brings all of us closer to the end of the world, I guess we need to make sure that before lights goes out the stupid cable elevators would be well adjusted.
Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-31-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 15327
Reply to: 15326
Happy New Year and a million thanks
Hi Romy:

I would like to wish you and all those who contribute to this forum a very Happy New Year 2011.

In addition, I would like, and I would be so reckless as to presume many of your readers/contributors feel the same way, to express a debt of gratitude toward the monumental repository of knowledge that your website has become. It should be archived by the Library of Congress. Following your process of refining your system, your thought processes as you go through the various possibilities, is always instructive, informative and entertaining.

I have little to look forward to in terms of my own playback in the coming year as although I will be hoping to build a couple of horns (tractrix as well as the 'new' JMLC constant directivity horns I have read about), I doubt I will achieve sonic results of much merit given my current room limitations.

So I will continue reading your site and vicariously enjoy a system which I trust must be quite close to the state of the art.

Happy New Year to all and I wish you success in all your endeavours in 2011, whether audio related or not.


12-31-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Marlboro NY USA
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 15328
Reply to: 15326
Mazel Tov Koshka

2011 will be a busy audio year for me. I will have a nice large space 28 feet x 20 feet x 11 feet which I am free to modify for audio. The walls are 150 years old irregular stone the floor is cement and the ceiling is composed of structural wooden beams with very little flex. I can implement whatever acoustical measures are called for. There are two windows and a wide door. This is, to begin with, the system that will go into it:


The main speakers are JBL 3 way array 1400's crossed above the tuning of the port. The wine barrel subwoofers will not be part of it but another ULF solution using the stairs as a structural element. Also there will be a tone injection channel which will start as a fostex 8" extended range in a transmission line box crossed also above the tuning of the transmission port and that will sit time aligned just above the tweeter horn of the JBL on a steel stand. 2011 will be *interesting* if I can get all this to play music in a playful way.

Oh and yes the woofer towers have to be painted matte black.


12-31-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 15330
Reply to: 15328
Mains box
A happy new year to all,,,,Your electricle mains box is most impressive,,But keep your fingers out of there..Or you will have a "short" year...I love the JBL Array 1400 Hard to beat,,unless you have EverestII..
01-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 15332
Reply to: 15326
Happy New Year II
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Best wishes ....unless you are .... or an Audio-Moron.

I may add those best wishes to my personal audio "friends" who read this site without telling someone and hate me deeply for my writing here.

I will do my very best not to disappoint you all in this year, too.

"Hasta la vista, Babies"
Rodrigues - bargaining.jpg

Kind Regards
01-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 30
Post ID: 15333
Reply to: 15332
Best wishes for '11
My gift to the good sound community:



"Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira Pascoaes
12-31-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,312
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 31
Post ID: 17635
Reply to: 15214
Comming year 2012.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
What are my plans for 2011? I have a few. I am sure that I will be working with fine refinement of Macondo in the new room. I look forward to review the Macondo Fundamental Channel, will it be my new 18-cell or not I do not know year but I would like to make it even more contributive.  I will probably experiment with my ULF channel, Maybe do 18” driver or might be refine/move the existing one, I do not know – I need my lower bass back. I would need to organize my LPs in the way how they were organize before I moved – now is all screwed up and I can find anything. I would like to raise my antenna for another 15 feet.  If I have desire then I would world on my Altec 19 converting it to Cetla loudspeaker. That is about it regarding my plans for 2011.

It has become a good tradition at my site to assess my state of audio when year breaks. Reading planning post from last and correlating it with where I am – truly self-educational.

The desire to revise Macondo Fundamental Channel came and gone. I did get me good 18-cell but I figure out that it will be too ugly esthetically in context of radial arrays of Macondo.

The experiments with my ULF channel are also came and gone. In the end I stood with tested Danlavy arrays. I might revise it with taller sexier enclose with 6-8 drivers per side. I need to design a sexier enclose perhaps I need to run some kind of open proposal competition at my site. I might also go line-level crossover with ULF channel but I afraid that the 2 stage tubes before my SS power amp do all necessary soft magic even under 20Hz. Frankly the revision of ULF is on a far back burner of my intentions.

The Cetla project did not materialize. In the end all that I did was trashing the Altec 19’s MF and putting instead the 18-cell with S2 driver.  I got fine sound that is enough for video. The video turned out to be a great success; even I do not use it too much to play video.

What are my audio plans for 2012? I do not have a lot, a least any grandiose plans.

I am contemplating an idea to find a tube tester that can test DHY tubes. The great testers that I have do not do it in the way I want. I might rebuild my DAW and bring it I into my listening room.  I might win the fucking fight with PurePower and they might make my bypass switch in PP3000.  I would like t find a way to deal with my glass in my listening room. all those plans are very “small” is you see…

The big, the super plan that I have is the one that I truly do not know how render. Macondo performs exceptionally well and I have no desire to change anything. I do think that this is time for me move to the ultimate Macondo state – the Macondo in the DPoLS configuration. The last time Macondo was there in 2002 or so and if I put Macondo in DPoLS in its CURRENT state then it will be STUNNING ACCOMPLISHMENT or what is possible. The problem is that Macondo is so heavy that to more it for a few mm takes a huge amount of efforts. From one perspective I wish I design the frame bottom to be able to be more mobile but from another perspective Macondo sits on capper – so it will be not easy anyhow.  I do not have a solution how to move Macondo for now but this is the biggest objective that I have in 2012.

Overall it was very good audio year. My sound in December is better in my estimation then it was in January, I was listening a LOT of very interceding music this year and I had some amazing valuable for me experiences during this year.

Now I need to pick up  music that I will be playing during the December 21 2012…

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-31-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 17639
Reply to: 17635
Director's Cut
Wow, didn't I just do this?  For all the tedium with directed listening to a de-constructed system, 2011 went by in a blink!

This has been for me The Year of the Driver.  Much learned, and much yet to learn with repect to choosing, modifying, combining and positioning drivers to get them to sound the way I want them to.

Some very interesting new ideas about "reproduced" music have come from fiddling with the drivers, most of these relating broadly to "sound in space", how musical sound travels through and charges the air and the listening space and the listener, and how to "recreate" these "special effects" in my listening room while maintaing acceptable Tone.

Several sonic "breakthroughs" mean this year will end on a positive, encouraging audio note.  Even though I do not yet have my System in place, I do have a pretty good idea how to do it, and also many of the pieces and parts are in the house (somewhere...).

Truth be told, during my best listening sessions this year I enjoyed the best sound, overall, that I have heard from hi-fi; so, all-in-all, A Very Good Year, with much promise for 2012, which I wish for all of you, as well.

Happy New Year,
Paul S
12-31-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 17641
Reply to: 17635
The year of the electrical
2011 was once more the year of the electrical for me as I was reminded and buffeted with the improvements and mysteries resulting from fiddling with the current and the EMI and RFI. Thanks Romy for your attention to this. I would recommend to beginning audiophiles to stay with their entry level gear until they fix everything they can with the juice, the sound path grit and the flying fields. Only then can they begin to figure out what a different piece of gear is actually contributing itself. In the meantime they will be amazed at how much better their entry level gear sounds.
01-01-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Lyon, France
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Post #: 34
Post ID: 17650
Reply to: 17635
No fiddling 2012
Hi romy,Haven't spent too much time on your site the past year unfortunately, but always check in from time totime to see what direction tou are heading for the moment!
For 2012 i have gone into ready- made acoustic system which iabsolutely love' no tinkering this year!  I think it is a romy despised driver so i don't mention it here.  I will slowly sell-off my vitavox s2system as i feel  for me what i have is more magical.
2012 will be the year of setting up macmini based digital system. The macmini will be hot-rodded by db-system in france and controlleed by ipad, its a lot of fun. I find that high-speed internet radio comes gives a very exciting sound and will be listening a lot to that. Live radio broadcast on my tuner is still nicer tone' but the digital radio keeps my interest too.
Of course my comments only apply to my limited abilities to get the best out of the equipment i have. After several years of listening i figured out that romy is absolutely right that vitavox s2needs four-way design minimum. My horns did not get the magig of the s2midrange, but only some of the lower-leg beauty. I don't have the courage to redesign.  
Happy listening!R weissman
12-22-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 20389
Reply to: 3406
The year 2013.
It is kind of Christmasy in here. Not that I care about Christmas, or even a little too much but it rather end of the year tradition to buy gifts and to have a good time. The miserable Christians have stolen my New Year Tree and renamed it after this phony Good. Wherever the Christ was born I sure he saw a lot of dears, cypress trees and horns lead snow slates… Anyhow, this site about audio bitching not about whining about Macy’s invented religion….

It was remarkably little audio-wise going on in 2013. Probably introduction of new PP3000+ was the only thing that made me to do some minor experiments with audio. There were tone of concerts, too many to mention. There were many great listening session, admirably not as many as years back, nevertheless whatever did take place was great. There were periods of non-listening because of different reasons – that is life.
Ironically, I do not have any well formed audio plans for 2014. I would probably need to be a played in video room and my loaned OPPO 105 will be recalled. I do not have any objectives or frustrations to make any changes. A strange state of mind…

It would be nice to discover in 2014 a new way to get an interesting music. I still buy CDs and sometimes LPs.  The new streaming and downloadable music hosted by audio people is mostly crap, sonically and artistically. It however shall not be this way. I hope some kind of tasteful company show up on horizon and will provide something more or less half-acceptable….

Romy The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 20390
Reply to: 20389
That Time Again Already?!? Wow!
Looks like I skipped a couple years, there, and might as well skip this one, too. Nothing at all profound or noteworthy on the audio front, except I know where I want to go but need some "manufacturing" ideas and better focus to get there from where I am now. I suppose I will go on a music binge as soon as Marantz gets done fixing my amps. A sure sign of this is, I begin to "hear" music scores in my head with increasing regularity, and it gets to the point where I just have to hear the recorded versions I have, to compare notes on what I am "playing" in my head. One piece I will get to for sure is the opening of Bruckner 8. These sessions are often accompanied by buying and evaluating new-to-me recordings of the piece in question, along with any new works that catch my peripheral attention while I'm in the throes.

So far, having Ortofon refurbish my phono cartridge seems like a very good idea. I'm not sure if this is an "affirmation" of my old course, or if it is just relative indifference toward the new stuff swirling around out there. No wishes - or, only the vaguest wishes - to change my digital, either, even though it limits me to red book CDs.

Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays to All.

Paul S
12-27-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 20404
Reply to: 20389
2013 to 2014
I can't complain about 2013 audio or music wise. My main system plays my 1000 LPs fine enough for me to enjoy them. Music wise I was able to get about two dozen classical Indian LPs that I had been seeking. I refuse to get them on CD because they sound lousy and I also refuse to try to buy them from Indian vendors at inflated prices. So I have to wait for the occasional US or UK seller to offer some. I got more in 2013 than I have been able to in a long while. Only about another 25-35 to go. I am going to upgrade my bedroom system and also try to put together a headphone system with a vinyl path in 2014 or 15. As for digital I fear we have to wait for Romy's fabled 4 bit DSD although I am curious to hear 2xDSD (128) with the new Sony player HAP Z1ES. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and all the best in 2014. Back to the future is the high end motto I guess.
12-27-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 38
Post ID: 20405
Reply to: 20389
Strange state of mind
 Why is it a strange state of mind to not have any plans to muck with the audio system? It must mean you are happy enough with the sound. 
01-01-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 39
Post ID: 20416
Reply to: 20405
An FM broadcast of church bells from the major cathedrals around Sweden welcomed 2014.  Blessed with holidays in my family's home in Dalarna, the miracle of a truly great room was granted.  Built with logs in 1947, spruce floor, ceiling, and since the mid 70's, clad with 10 to 14" wide 100 year old planks!   An open fire place, vintage corner cabinets, a few copper and pewter items, this room is a miracle for music and conversation.  A Pioneer receiver and bookshelf speakers in one corner give so much joy in this space, it makes me wonder.

2013 brought stereo broadcasting back to our classical station,thanks to my BW Broadcasting RBRX1 reading of a way out of spec pilot signal. More about that some other time.  
My horns are now phenolic / alnico from 300hz up, and with the imminent implementation of TAD 1601B in sealed 3cuft, alnico down to 60hz.  The phenolic / alnico sound, rounded out by EV T-350's, is to my ears very pleasing, and closer to the concert hall.

This year the quest for a DAC more sophisticated than my Lavry DA-11 will hopefully yield fruit.  As great as vinyl is, for me, so much musical joy these days comes from FM recordings, and other shared recordings of independent origin. A great DAC is really at the heart of music.

Finally a shout out to Roman for keeping this a great place to visit and learn, something that I do most every day.


01-03-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 40
Post ID: 21467
Reply to: 20416
Goodbye, 2014
The GSC-related part of my 2014 was about refining my system so I can reliably "get inside" and explore the largest works, including Bruckner. Refinements were mostly about slightly re-tuning my speakers and tweaking my newly-re-built phono cartridge to better utilize my (new-ish) giant amps' capabilities. It took longer to "set" the cartridge-driven parameters because I did not want to "isolate" my phono from my CD playback, so I "brought the CD playback along", as well. In a nutshell, I had more interest in Music and less in hi-fi this year, and so far it looks like it's paid off in those terms.

In 2015 I hope my ongoing experiments with drivers will result in something I can actually use. I also (finally) have a lead on a center channel mixer (my 3rd amp is still sitting there...)

Happy New Year, GSC!
Best regards,
Paul S.
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  »  New  Macondo Alternation. Extending the LF line-array..  Macondo and not only Macondo positioning...  Horn-Loaded Speakers Forum     8  154381  10-29-2005
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