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08-28-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 11578
Reply to: 11578
Is horn a natural shape?
Souse: New Scientist. 2004, by Stephen Battersby

Could the Universe be shaped like a medieval horn? It may sound like a surrealist's dream, but according to Frank Steiner at the University of Ulm in Germany, recent observations hint that the cosmos is stretched out into a long funnel, with a narrow tube at one end flaring out into a bell. It would also mean that space is finite.
Adopting such an apparently outlandish model could explain two puzzling observations. The first is the pattern of hot and cold spots in the cosmic microwave background radiation, which shows what the Universe looked like just 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

It was charted in detail in 2003 by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. WMAP found that the pattern fades on the largest scales: there are no clear hot or cold blobs more than about 60 degrees across.

Steiner and his group claim that a finite, horn-shaped Universe fits this observation. It simply does not have room to hold very big blobs.
The present-day volume of their model universe is nearly 1032 cubic light years. Back when the Universe was only 380,000 years old it would have been a fraction of that size, too small to allow big fluctuations.

Infinitely long

In the model, technically called a Picard topology, the Universe curves in a strange way. One end is infinitely long, but so narrow that it has a finite volume. At the other end, the horn flares out, but not for ever - if you could fly towards the flared end in a spaceship, at some point you would find yourself flying back in on the other side of the horn (see diagram).

Horn-shaped models were suggested in the 1990s to fit a similar anomaly seen by the COBE satellite, but Steiner's group is the first to show that this idea fits the WMAP data. In 2003, another group claimed that the Universe might be finite (New Scientist, 8 October 2003.)

In this group's model, space had a soccer ball-like shape. But the model has run into trouble. It should have left a clear signature on the microwave sky - a set of circles that mirror each other's spot patterns - but these circles do not seem to be there.

The horn universe is harder to pin down. It would also make matching circles, but the pattern depends on what part of the horn we are in. "Our published search for matching circles probably does not rule out the Picard topology," says Neil Cornish of Montana State University in Bozeman.

Little ellipses

And the idea has another advantage. In the flat space of conventional cosmology, the smallest blobs on microwave sky maps ought to be round. But they are not. "If you look at the small structures, they look like little ellipses," says Steiner. The curve of the horn-shaped universe could be just right to explain this. If you look at any little piece of the horn, it is saddle-shaped like a Pringles potato chip - curving down in one direction and up in the perpendicular one. This "negatively curved" space would act like a warped lens, distorting the image of round primordial blobs in a way that makes them look elliptical to us. Mathematicians can construct an infinite number of different kinds of negatively curved space, most of them with one or more horns, and many of which might fit the data, but the Picard topology is one of the simplest.
This model would force scientists to abandon the "cosmological principle", the idea that all parts of the cosmos are roughly the same. "If one happens to find oneself a long way up the narrow end of the horn, things indeed look very strange, with two very small dimensions," says Holger Then, a member of the team.

Statistical flukes

At an extreme enough point, you would be able to see the back of your own head. It would be an interesting place to explore - but we are probably too far from the narrow end of the horn to examine it with telescopes.

Both of the crucial observations are still ambiguous, however, and may be statistical flukes. Over the next year or so, WMAP and other experiments will test whether large blobs really are lacking and whether small ones really are elliptical.

If they are, then our Universe is curved like a Pringle, shaped like a horn, and named after a Star Trek character. You could not make it up.


The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
08-29-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 11581
Reply to: 11578
Universal horns of creation and sound theory

From WikiAnswers.com

Question: What does a horn represent in the bible?In: The Bible 

Answer: Many times the horn represents power or strength...for instance, "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." (Psalm 18:2) 

It may also mean honor. 

Horns are emblems of power, dominion, glory, and fierceness, as they are the chief means of attack and defence with the animals endowed with them. 

The expression "horn of salvation," applied to Christ, means a salvation of strength, or a strong Savior. 

Horns are also the symbol of royal dignity and power (Jer. 48:25; Zech. 1:18; Dan. 8:24).

"Points of creation and glorious means and ends, it seems to me",

regards, j.

09-24-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 11817
Reply to: 11581
Natural shape or ETHEREAL COSMIC PRINCIPLE (also known as creation/GOd)


copyright of me/all rights reserved/ok possibly higher power.

  • The throat in the diagram is the center, the ONE, GOD, when all of us were one with HIM, and we left for knowledge and for human life, expanding into the universe, and the unknown, the cosmos if you will, ever expanding as a humankind, into earthly experience, growing, learning, inventing, reaching, theorizing, expanding knowledge base, always ever UNDERSTANDING, in this dreamworld, where the past is remembered clearly, but soon gone, and hopes for the future are crystal clear, but hard to come by, ever lusive.
  • Reentry occurs when we get wise, it is represented by the mouth?
  • T he mouth occurs, and we go back, we get older, we understand that we do not know it all, in fact we understand we know very little, and we travel to the outside of the horn, we are retracting, understanding, that our knowledge is flawed, human, not everknowing, limiting, but that we are all connected, that we are really one, universal, connected, that what we do influences us all, and we understand better, and we travel with less EGO, and we revert to the ONE.


From kukulitis

There are two different kinds of sounds coming out of 54ft.(18m) long horn speakers; from one speaker you can hear sounds that remind me my home country while living in America, but from the other speaker you hear sounds that will remind me America when I will go back home. A viewer, or more precisely, a listener stands in between of these two worlds not here and not there. 
CategoryTongue Tiedcience & Technology


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