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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: Another Day, Another Annoying First...Posted by Paul S on: 3/7/2009
A year (and a pair of V2s) goes by like nothing.

I just changed V2 tubes again, and this time I dialed the current way down before I fired up the amps, per instructions.

After a few minutes, I checked the amps with a (Fluke 189) DMM, just for drill.

Voltage was set down to 175, but current was about 450 mA.  Dialing down the pots, I could not get  the current below 390 mA, even though the pots still turn freely.

How good are these pots?  Do they actually have "stops", where they won't turn any further?  Again, I ask because it seems like I've come to the end of their electrical adjustment (current will not drop any lower with further turning), even though it is still quite easy to turn the pots with a tiny screwdriver.  FWIW, I am pretty good with tools and I have a pretty sensitive touch, so it's not like I roughed them up, or anything.

This is the third pair of V2s I've put in these amps.  This is the first time I've encountered this situation; but then, I've never taken measurements so soon after start-up, either.

Paul S

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