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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Single-stage Melquiades vs. DHT amps
Post Subject: Cathode vs. fixed with DHTPosted by Romy the Cat on: 2/26/2009
 cv wrote:
Btw, did you consider fixed bias to the output stage via the interstage secondary?
Yes, I did and I passed on this idea. First of all I have 200V and 400V in the amp and I do not what to bring new voltages in. The 200V is too low, the 400V is too little. To use cathode bias is a good way to drive the tube from higher anode voltage. The main reason is however is different. Since I will be using in way old and fragile tubes I think the cathode bias would be more secured for them as it stabilizes the tube. I have no experience in assessment of DHT sound with cathode vs. fixed biases and my rational purely derive from the considerations of tubes preservation. Also, let be honest and correct me if I am wrong: whenever people talk about the DHT tubes they in 99% use cathode of other automated biases. So, I think the cathode will do fine. In the worst case I get from DHT I will also be able to retreat to the right-sounding 6C33C with fixed bias.

The Cat

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