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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems
Post Subject: Lowther DX65 as MF driver.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/13/2009

James, why shall I hit you? The Lowthers do fine MF drivers if not to stress them into full range. I actually thought about Lowther but what I was looking at them I did not see any interesting 5” contestants.  The new DX65 is 6.5-7 drivers and this is a whole new world with many possible 6.5” and 8” contestants. I am in 4.5-5” universe that surprisingly different drivers all together. It might not be a bad idea to go there and to use 8” driver but it is not how MiniMe was thought out to begin with.

The Cat

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