Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems
Post Subject: Realtime Options?Posted by Paul S on: 2/9/2009
DSP?!?  But aren't there plenty of realtime options, from Marchand, etc?  Hell, people are generally so excited about digital that they are pretty much giving away the analog boards.

No doubt you've considered that the 2105s simply might not be the "best" option for the M&Ms, regardless of how "good" they might be as stand-alones?  Maybe there are other 5" drivers that would be easier to integrate?  I can say from experience that it does not take much in the way of conturing to begin to rob one of a given driver's special qualities.

All this by way of expressing incredulity over the idea of DSP (Dark Side Position), AKA, the Cheney Option.

Sure, you're pissed by now; but no reason to go D on it...

Best regards,
Paul S

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