Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Who owns what in FM
Post Subject: Driving me nuts...Posted by scooter on: 1/10/2009
Dear Romy:
I have noticed this problem and it drives me absolutely nuts to the point where when listening all I can think about is how misbalanced the levels are...then I just change the station. This is not a small nitpicker issue but so blatant that every idiot who tunes in must notice a major technical problem. You would need a very wide room to be able to sit far enough over to not notice the difference in levels (i.e. not possible). I thought about running mono but that does not recover the missing information, among other things; I never pursued the issue but am pleased you have.
WHRB absolutely has a legal obligation to retransmit the MET programming above a baseline level. Further, the agreement between WHRB and the MET should give the MET the right to cancel the agreement if WHRB continues to broadcast below a specified standard, following a formal notice procedure. The last thing the MET wants to be associated with is poor sound/broadcast/reproduction quality, so this issue is important on many levels.
I can't see why WHRB would not want to resolve the issue. There is no way they do not know of this transmission problem. A plausible explanation is that the engineers do not have the manpower or know-how to solve the problem so just simply ignore it.
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site