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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Avicenna’s first sound.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 1/5/2009
I played the full system today driven from Avicenna possessor. It was interesting and in way different. The full system (Milq + digital front ends) draw 685W from Avicenna in buffer mode and 800W from the wall, so the efficiency was very good for analog circuit – 86%. The voltage sinusoid was perfect with perfectly symmetric current sinusoid – very cool.
Sound. It was interesting. What stroked me first was a very uncommon senesce of elegance and eloquence. I would say “soft” but I have a better word. Last week a local guy visited me and he pitched me another word as the description of my playback with better elasticity. He called flexibility of sound or the state where sound might be banded with ease. I found it much better description then “softness”, I wish I would come up with this association myself. So, in my view this sonic elasticity of sound was with Avicenna was absolutely wonderful, even more fascinating then with PP2000.
Also, Avicenna has very right since of minuteness. This is soothing that I am not sure that I like in PP2000. The PurePower looks like paints a picture with bold and large brushes. Very high quality but the very fine details get blurred. I many times analyzed and thought about this PP2000 behavior and I did found it acceptable. The Avicenna do not do it as it portrays very fine and very miniature fractions of sound, but in contrary to many other pieces of electronics Avicenna does not overlay highlight them - very nice and kind of funny as I am not talking not about an amplifier but about a Power Processor.
Unfortunately, it was all that I liked in Avicenna. It had issues with dynamic, with contrast, with the whole measure of excitement in music. It was a first draft and I still have in a lot of options in Avicenna that I so far not employed but the first try was not so optimistic, in fact in a way disappointing. I need make more concussive experiments but frankly the disillusionment is high to bare and I will live the further fight for another date.
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site