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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems
Post Subject: G10 nightmare & xoverPosted by serenechaos on: 12/31/2008
G10 also makes a nasty mess after you've cut it, get's all over the machine, fine "stuff" in the fluid...  nasty to work with unless the end justifys the means. 
so it's fun to bitch @ anyone wanting to use it, that the only thing gained by using it over other material is an interesting "coffee table piece" to rub and stroke; can't you stroke something else, etc.  Ongoing shop joke. 
Like the mercury turntable would be a good use of exotic material if not toxic. 
We have lots of really exotic materials @ work, with "interesting" properties; like Plutonium, and some new, man made elements that aren't even on the chart yet. 
Really pretty stuff, and very heavy, would make a great turntable platter. 

How did you come up with this baseline crossover configuration? 

Romy said: "It does not rely upon anything auditable or measurable" 

Did you use LEAP or anything like that, or just cross everything over 1st order as a guess, and tune by ear? 

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site