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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: More about the PP2000 and bassPosted by Romy the Cat on: 12/28/2008
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Simply beyond any criticism. The Purepower bass was something that sold me on the very first unit in June 2007. The very first Purepower 1050 had the same type of bass. What kind bass? Well, if juts did not “improve” it and did not modified it in respect to what it is once-twice per year when electricity is good. It is just what it is without any “help”. I have to note that I never see any power devise that does not ruin bass. Furthermore the PP2000 did something that made me to say “holly shit” and made me willing to kiss the damn regenerator. Two years back when I finalized the 6-ch Macondo and Melquiades interaction I use one of my “secret” method of slowing down midbass. I discovered some effects during my experiment with delay channels and I implemented some foundlings, I do not want to go into details about it now. Anyhow, the things were done “properly” according to the “concept”, the results were fine (my rook sound “larger” then what it shell be) but honestly I expected more from the “concept”. I still felt that my midbass it too fast but some other aspects did not allow to slow it down, it is complicated. So, driving the system from PP2000 I suddenly recognized that my midbass has slow down, exactly at the level how it meant to be in accordance with the things that were done to Macondo/Melquiades. It was like a freaking déjà vu feeling! So, presumably the AC nose or what it is made my midbass to collapse sharper…
Yep, something PP2000 dose very right with bass. Tonight I bought the brand new first pressing of Karajan’s “Die Walkure “ with Berlin and Regine Crespin, Barbro Ericson and Gundula Janowitz. I am not sure that I like everything in it but all together it is a fan ride, I am 3 sides through as now. What impressed me from audio perspective that PP2000 hold ground of bass imaging of different volumes. During the prelude of the first act when the basses go very quiet just before Sigmund is introduced it is very common that as softer bases go the further the depicted by playback. The only one piece of audio that absolutely immune to this problem was Sansui TU-1X getting live signal. I was getting Die Walkure last year LIVE from MET (and MET signal is not straight analog but re-processed garbage) and it was fine. Any other recordings I have volume of those prelude’s basses means distance. Now started to play the Die Walkure I was making my typical faces as the Karajan’s prelude in this recording is very ugly BUT then suddenly it hit me that despite of questionable orchestral musicality the basses when they went very soft were sitting still right there at the very same distance (and it was in a very live and ambient performing space). I think it is the PP2000 goes its job. Very impressive!

The caT

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