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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Some thoughts about power as it is…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/26/2008

It is kind of unbelievable in away: I have for a week the same stable sound. That is a good sign. The less good sign that I need to do something else in order to take sound where I would like it to be.

Without doing anything I like what I am getting, I asked many times of my desire to have the final sparkle in the mid of this PP2000 softness is some kind of audiophile itch. I do not think so and I feel that the performance of my MF channel in context of the “different” electricity shell be revised. The good part is that I might combine the MF revision with my DHT experiments – good timing.

My only concern at this point with going further is the presents on the out of my APS regenerator the “Nervousness Distortions” upon which I commented on previous page. I do not know HOW they are auditable. It is very possible that they are not auditable at all or, that they even improve the sound. I still would like to get a reference result with a clean sinusoid and then to go from there. Also, I do not know if the APS fixes the problems then what sonic consequences the fix will/might have.

For a time being I did drove my MF with different amps in context of the new softness. I have a full-range Milq (from my Insertion channel) that I used with speaker-level filter. I have also tried different S2 drivers, with metal suspended diaphragms. I built the 2A3 kit (took 3 hours) and was trying to drive MF from it. The results were different and mostly in a right direction but to lock anything in my mind I would like to know that the electricity environment is dead-bolted. So, I need the APS people to finalize their results in regard to the “Nervousness Distortions”. Or perhaps I need to wait when the Avicenna arrives and see what it will do.

I think my movements with MF amps will last another month or so, I am not really in hurry. Whatever it is, is kind of very interesting - it is good but with “no transient reserve”, if you know what I mean. I king of accustom that my MF channel has a lot of spare transient capacity that it is not necessary use but has in disposal if necessary - it does not work now this way. Also, the “Water Drop” tweeter acts also “different”, it is not worth but butter and “different” – I can’t figure out how at this point. I certainly need to live with it longer. The next week I will be taking with APS folks about the “Nervousness Distortions”, let see how it will go….

The Cat

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