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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Doug Blackburn about Torus RM15 Power devise.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/18/2008

It would not surprise for anyone that I do monitor what I going on with power treatment devises out there. Today I was reading Doug Blackburn’s review in Soundstage about Torus Power Conditioner.

The Torus Power Conditioner is a plain-vanilla isolated transformer, similar to Equi=Tech. The Equi=Tech uses Maryland Toroids transformers; Torus uses Plastron transformers – big freaking deal. The Mr. Blackburn fantasies about the “unique transformer design of Torus” are juts his fantasies. The article has a number of factual inaccuracies – (how without them!) but the inaccuracies are not what I would like to talk about.

What I would like to point out is the very positive from my point of view moment: Doug Blackburn “reviewed” the Torus devise and during his tests he discovered that that Torus is inferior to another competitive product - ExactPower EP15A. Doug actually wrote about it despite that it might scare up the products under reviewing - it was a very good sign. The sign might be colored by the fact that the Soundstage’s publisher Doug Schneider I in a virtual payroll of ExactPower but let pretend that we do not know bout it. Let agree that it is very infrequent that a reviewer writhe objectively inferior review. Perhaps Torus Company did not put together attractive enough “stimulation package” or insist Doug Blackburn to return the unit and changed him for back shipping. Oh, no! If they do THAT then I am sure Mr. Blackburn would write that Torus Power Company is founded by Osama Bin Laden family, the Torus’ employee do not stop behind the school basses and Torus owner is requested sex offender. Perhaps it was something minor - like Torus refused to let Doug   to borrow a dozen of unit for next 10 years – I think they call it “the warranty testing”…

Anyhow, leaving the mockery aside, I think it was commendable for Doug Blackburn to write in his review of Torus unit the following:

“The EP15A produced a lower noise floor with a heightened sense of silence between notes and between tracks. It required extremely quiet listening conditions to pick this up, but it was clearly audible. The RM 15 produced a more silent noise floor than wall-outlet power, but it couldn’t equal the inky-black noise floor of the EP15A. Without the direct comparison, I don’t think I ever would have known there was a difference. Both units produced a pleasing musical experience, but the EP15A is a little more dynamic with a larger soundfield, a little more detail and some harmonic richness that’s not present with the Torus Power unit. Finally, the system’s bass reproduction with the EP15A was more controlled and defined -- tighter with less upper-bass fullness. The Torus Power unit’s bass was strong and deep, but a little fuller and warmer. “

The caT

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