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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Sakuma's Show
Post Subject: The Ginsu Knifes syndrome?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/13/2008
drdna wrote: |
Would you then suggest that this approach demands the DSET approach to succeed? |
The DSET resolves all problems with SET amplification; it is not surprise that Sakuma went there. BTW, my familiarity with Sakuma’s DSET was something that encouraged me to thing in DSET direction.
drdna wrote: |
By good transformer, you mean an amorphous core? |
Why necessarily amorphous? A good transformer is the one that sounds good in context of a given requirements and expectations, regardless what core was used. BTW, I think Tango and Tamura did amorphous core lone time back. I do not claim negative thing about Tango/Tamura, I just say that they are regular Japanese transformers. Regular US transformer (likes from Electra-Print, Plitron and so on) are ugly but Tango/Tamura finished in sexy enclosures. This made many audio people to feel that Tango/Tamura are some kind of piece of exotic Asian magnetics. It is not necessarily the case. I personally never had those transformers but I have a number of people who were solicited with the same stories about samurai transformers. They did not report that they were “bad” but rather as nothing spherical. Hearing it from the peoples who spend very heavy attention to the transformers I found that it was corralling with what I heard from the amps the used the contemporary Tango/Tamura. I have no doubts that Tango/Tamura might do some high-end or custom magnetics but we, the western people have no asses to it or knowledge about it. I would not be surprised BTW is nowadays the Tango/Tamura use the Chinese transformers rebranded as the Tango/Tamura as I have seen a number of amazingly cheap Chinese transformers that looks remarkably similar to what Tango/Tamura does.
drdna wrote: |
Exactly correct, but just why I have suggested a systematic approach to analyze the effects of different components in certain topological components. If from a collection of disparate observations, theory can emerge, then we do not need to continue to rely on accidental good sound. |
I might not agree complete with it but I do found that the concept properly implemented might be semi-educational if not entertaining. I already am thinking about it and probably next week will try to put some kind of prototype in place.
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