Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Vitavox’s S2 Survival Guide.
Post Subject: Re: It's not about field strength...Posted by cv on: 4/15/2005



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Hello Guy,
Please excuse the rapid fire response, bit short of time today.

1)Your comments about the Io cart are most interesting; clearly it ain't about saturation. Here's another idea: if the domains in the magnetic material limit resolution (leading to quantisation at very low levels), maybe the field coil is most effective here, what with the tiny magnetic volume. Note also the correlation between MC stepup sonics and size - I gather the Expressive Tech units are on massive cores...

2) Cutaway S2? I'd love to see that - don't suppose any pics are available?

3) Re Cogent at RMAF: yep, reading between the lines of some reviews, I got that impression. I think they had teething troubles, eg probs with reflections from the back wall into the horns, also, I expect the rectangular section conicals weren't the best way to showcase the drivers. The stuff is apparently sounding much better now. Knowing what's involved, I can't see how the drivers would be to blame.

4) RCAs - yeah. Me in the capital. Alas, both units have voice coil rub; managed to sort out most of it on one, but I have a lot of maintenance to do. Might be tricky to get right with the paper formers; I hope to get a pair of the Cogent carbon fibre diaphragms were available. I asked the guys if they could do an 800 ohm voice coil... could then have a nice OTL SET to drive it with...
Unfair to reach any judgements just yet. Oh, you have to see the phasing plug casting on them RCAs - looks like it was done with an army of nanobots, incredible piece of engineering.
Anyway, if I eventually manage to sort them out, you'd be welcome to visit, so long as you didn't reveal how turd the rest of the system was...

5) I know a chap who has 555s and RCAs: his 555s are gathering dust.

Likewise, I've read a couple of comments where people have heard the S2 and 555 and preferred the Brit.
Not sure there's many of the field coil crowd who've heard what the S2 can do...

6) Complete aside: I'm about to start looking at low temp MHCD discharge - this is a way of generating large volume glow discharge (a la plasmatronics, not to be confused with the corona discharge of ionovac etc) in air without helium etc. Nice 9ft line source emitter with JMLC horn, direct drive with a 450TL or something, 150Hz+ say, with fast tanning and ozone room freshening functions to boot...... total pipedream, but can you imagine?...

Gotta dash
Best wishes,

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site