Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Where are our good Tuners?
Post Subject: Tube tuners in BostonPosted by Nerone on: 11/26/2008
Dear Cat, I own tube and SS tuners, and the ones I own now follow a list of other tuners I have owned over the past few years. My SS tuner is an Accuphase T-100. My tube tuners are a Sherwood S-3000V and a Mac MR-67. The difference between a good tube tuner (and both of mine are good) and a good SS tuner (and the accuphase is one of them) depends on the signal. tube tuners can't be used with weak signals. Period. So, when you don't have a strong signal forget the tube. The real contest begins with strong signals, and in Boston we have a few excellent radio that offers strong signals. With strong signals my tubes are more lifelike than my SS (and this extends to the other tuners I've had in the past). Perhaps they are not as analytical as my SS tuners, but you definitely get more into the live event. At some point I can lend you my Sherwood if you'd like. NeroneRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site