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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Problems with horns: upper bass
Post Subject: On The Porposed DesignPosted by Dresden on: 11/19/2008
The target range is 40Hz to 400Hz.  One JBL 2206H 12" drive (an alternative configuration is with two [2] 2206H drivers).  Exponential.  Interesting that you mention a J horn, and that the same could be achieved by two horns (as opposed to one)--you're very, very close to the proposed design.  (You will eventually see the design--after it's completed.  I plan to post the details [and possibly a blueprint, shouold the design prove successful] when the prototype is built.)

My initial reason for inquiry was an attempt to find out if a horn can be made to cover that frequency range effectively--using the acoustic energy from both the front and rear of the driver in a horn loaded fashion.  I have acquired information to verify my previous speculations and observations--and some conclusions can only be arrived at building and listening to the actual prototypes.

(I have to go run a few errands.  I may return later today.)

 serenechaos wrote:
I'm confused-- 
What is the target low knee?
Upper knee?
What is the flare rate?   
Expansion profile? (or T factor -- Hypex, Exponential Tractix, etc).
And you want to use one 12" driver? 
or two in parallel? Or something different? (I didn't understand that part).  
Are you setting the throat as a function of compression ratio, or ???  
And the length as a function of mouth size?  
Or wave length (or quarter-wave)?  
And the bends; are you building a J horn? 
Or something else?  
I'm having trouble picturing this, and still not clear on what frequency range you're trying to run it in.  
(And still wondering if you're tryng to build something that two horns would do a lot easier). 

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