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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Problems with horns: upper bass
Post Subject: More about the upperbass importance.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/7/2005
At the beginning of this thread I said: “Show to me your middbas solution and I will tell you how your playback sounds”. Continuing to stress the domination importance of middbas-upperbass I would like to bring some illustrations and let you to make own conclusion why I feel (and why I hear) that the upper bass channel of your playback is should be something from where the thinking about speakers should be starting.

"Ironically", our hearing has also it’s maximum sensitively at the frequencies where the orchestra output it’s maximum DB impact.

I would like do not dive into the stories how Darwinism might be applied to the progress of musical instrument design, to the theories of harmony and orchestration but what I would like to stress the ALL OF IT will be handled by your upperbass channel. So, audio people do not screw it!
Romy the Cat
PS: The charts courtesy to Keith Nenney's "The Radio Engineering Book" 1941
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