Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems
Post Subject: I know what you mean...Posted by Lbjefferies7 on: 10/27/2008

I too have no respect for DIY'ers of any type, and audio is certainly the worst place for such people.  I don't identify with or socialize among such people, or even audiophiles in general.  The only thing that motivates most of these people seems to be the fear that someone might either have a bigger income or a bigger dick.  When I think of DIY "speaker" builders, I can just see some worn-out Al Bundy look-alike in his garage cobbling together some piece of crap just hoping that it will impress/piss-off the neighbors when he plays Ted Nugent.  And he wants to talk to me about audio.  Perfect.

My interest is music.  I intentionally avoid commercial speakers that profess to be high-end.  I have heard exactly two "audiophile" playback systems for a total of maybe 5 minutes (some custom full-range planer speakers and Dynaudio Evidence, Classe, Nordost, grinning salesman system) and was unimpressed with the fact that neither of them played music in a significant way.  Audio was there, but no music.  Because I grew up in an environment of live, Real Music, working dilignetly to use sound of Real Instruments (pianos), I involved myself in the idea of loudspeakers as musical instruments.  I can no longer listen seriously with any other human being present.  Trying to explain my system to others has become impossible (for me, at least) and I know that everyone I know will probably never understand.  Music disappears when they are around and the entire effect becomes silly and frivolous...even though they say "it's great."

So here I am at the Tabula Rasa Loudspeaker University, not jerking off other people with sound and music...just myself.  The right music is perhaps the most rewarding and stimulating experience I will ever have.  An experience that is all mine, and only mine.

Now let's go discuss cable elevators!!!


Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site