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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Omni-directional 'horny' speaker from RAAL
Post Subject: The creasy idea of Omni-RAAL.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/26/2008

We spoke today with Alex about his omni-directional idea. I have to admit that I did not “get” what he was trying to accomplish and I had very skeptical attitude toward to it. I was feeling that Alex moved toward to this omni idea juts because he can. To my surprise it was not exactly true and Alex had a very consciousness objectives what he was trying to accomplish with this new speaker, BTW the omni-directionality is not all that they have. I kind of overlooked behind the omni-directionality some other aspects and from Alex’s explanations of his objectives I conceded that I might understand the whole omni-directional idea a little bit too narrow. I think Alex need to do some education of public about what and how his new omni-directional version meant to be used.

I have to note that even understanding now the Alex’s objectives in the omni-domain I am not convinced that I agree with them. I would say that those views might take place and have reasonable bases but how “winning” they are it very difficult to say at this point. It is very possible that with his new speaker RAAL stir up much bigger question then it is on surface? Well, I would not spoil the trailer and let Alex to talk about his views, when he will.

The caT

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