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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Explain TAD ET-703 driver to me
Post Subject: The slot drivers...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/16/2008

 Vasyachkin wrote:

compression drivers are the way to go as far as i am concerned but obviously performance depends on the horn lens.

my beef with ET-703 is that i don't understand its horn or whatever it is.  if not an explanation i would like to see maybe some polar response plots as any normal manufacturer would provide for a horn but i've seen nothing like that from pioneer.

i personally believe that the top end of the frequency spectrum is the most difficult part of the system to design so i am rather unhappy about one of the most promising supertweeters not having any useful documentation ( that i seen )


I did not have this driver and I do not think I ever heard it. I think there was discussion about this driver somewhere in context of Cessaro Gamma speaker that seems to use it. If TAD folks cannot help you with whatever you need than you mish consult with Cessaro folks if you speak German.  Alternately you might get in touch with Duke from audiokinesis. He is TAD dealer and he worked with many of those drivers, he is not horn-type person however… Frankly speaking I am not exactly understand what you are trying to find out and why you might need the polar response from TAD. I seldom treat manufactures data with respect (for compression drivers) and if you need any more or less credible reference then why doesn’t you measure it yourself. All the you need is a $100 instilmental microphone, $25 XLR to USB adapter and a one of many measurement software that permit to calibrate sound card.

At a wider subject always was suspicion in regards to the drivers like ET-703:

It might be a good driver but the horn section of it is very much compromised to begin with. If I have it I would consider substituting the original TAD horn with my own spherical horn. It might be difficult as it might be combined in the same peace with the driver’s phase plug. If it is the case then it is possible to cut it horizontally, maintaining the original phase plug and juts to glue to the cut surface a new front horn barrel. It might not be all necessarily but conceptually I do not like the slot tweeters – any rough surface or edge for HF is very bad thing. I always felt that at least the slot drivers much have teeth at the termination edge but then never care about it….

The Cat

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