Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems
Post Subject: The MiniMe as a Double-Decker?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/11/2008
Actually it is very possible that it might be so. I made some rudimental measurements and concluded that RAAL tweeter and JBL midrange mounted in the same baffle has non-perfect time aliment. So, I will need to use gaskets under the drivers to time-align them and it is all keeping the speaker sealed. Hmmmm, too mach hustle…
Then I thought: the tweeter is sealed and does not care about the box. The MF driver crossed at 700-800Hz does not really care about box as with a small even not-sealed enclosure it already acts as an infinite baffle. So, what not to put the MF and HF drivers in a separate “Island” that would be sitting atop of the main LF section, similar to what Parsifal or small Wilson do? The upper frequency “Island” might be small, with no demands to resonance control, and might use a very thin material, like 1/8 of G10 or the similar. I might not even close the back side of the thing… This would make the entire box design very simple and would enable an easy access to the drivers for time alignment.
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site