3) With after-performance synthetic reverb the feedback between results, expressivity and the means to accomplish that expressivity does not incused the musicians awareness. Pretend an amplifier where open loop does not behave as it was affected to closed loop. Scare? The where same happen with music. If you are musician then your definition, you feeling of tempo and timing are greatly modulated by reverberation time at the performing space. If you need to hit two keys on piano with an internal (let present that it is the Beethoven’s Sonata no. 8) then how long the internal would be? The duration of the internal is very important but it is also very important the organization and the reaction of the rest of your play to those internals. That organization is the product of musician awareness and the reverberation time is one of the ingredients that affect the musician compliance. Changing the reverberation conditions without changing the “musician compliance” is not good thing to do/ |