Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Is anybody live in Australia with a tuner and an interest?
Post Subject: Is anybody live in Australia with a tuner and an interest?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/19/2008
The ABC Classical FM is just marvels. I love it.
Can you guys who live in Australia comment on the local FM quality of ABC Classical broadcasts? I listen it in US over internet, taking advantage of 15 hours difference and catching you live evening concerts just when I start my work. For instance today I caught the final of your local youth competition and to my surprise LOVE what your Melbourne Orchestra did.
Here in US, we mostly do not know anything about West Australian Symphony, Melbourne Symphony, Australian Chamber, Heidelberg Symphony, Melbourne Philharmonic , Sydney Symphony, Tasmanian Symphony, Wollongong Symphony, Adelaide Symphony and many others …
So, I wonder if the ABC Classical FM broadcast live in good quality in your continent then would you be interested to exchange live FM recordings with me? I think with my FM stations I can offer something interesting in exchange. I would be interested ONLY in live and live-to-tape broadcasts that are not available cosmetically.
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