Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: The Shelter 90X: mystery or mastery
Post Subject: Ok, Shelter, you suck. Bye-bye...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/18/2008
It is it; I officially close my books on my Shelter as I refuse to understand what it does. I pulled today from my shelf my collection of earliest Denon PCM recordings on LP the Denon record in end of the 78s. I generally do not like this entire series but the first releases where OK, not as good as then might be analog but much better than they were on CD.
I played the Janos Starker’s cello virtuoso showpiece (QX-7140-ND) and was bitching how weak the PCM sound on LP was. Then I hit me that I was disappointed much more then I shell – it just did not sound this time right for me with all possible abnormal problems. The miserable Shelter sucked in dust perhaps again I figured, I took it off cleaned it up – the same result. Playing it with any other needles I was getting my default sound back…
Well, I was the last stroke and I said that it was enough. I did not have this problem for almost 10 years and Shelter always gave to me a stable never-failed sound. Not anymore. Whatever the reason is: the dirt, the wearing or the protuberances on Sun I not willing to be the hostage of Shelter’s instability anymore. I will keep this dead Shelter as my bass-reference needle (just in case) and it will be as much as I can get from it. So long Shelter, it was a good ride with you…
It is sad to say bye to something that I like but as anything else in life: one door closed - another is getting open… I wish the Shelter would the only lost I have, particularly this week… :-)
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