Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: A tube tuner? REL Precedent 646C
Post Subject: Oh ,Thanks for that thread! Dima are you watching it ?Posted by Wojtek on: 8/22/2008
I'm strugling with dreaded Mcintosh Mr67 tuner . I borrowed one from a friend and it was very nice ;clear , crisp , dynamic so I went out and bought one for myself . It sounds like a mud and matches 100% of your description of average tube tuner sound -vintage POS. I don't know what kind of mods had unit I've borrowed . My friend already sold it.
Dima if you're around could you suggest some mods to improve performance of that unit ? It is not collectible (chrome is gone from chassis
so I can hack it , use only front end etc. If that's to much to ask for thanks anyway for the hint with detector diodes and decoupling the meter.
Regards, W
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site