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In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: I hate, hate, hate, hate Boston Symphony!
Post Subject: The Tanglewood might do to darkish this seasonā€¦.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/9/2008

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Anyhow, in august Levin lead BSO and Tanglewood Chorus with Onegin.

 This morning on my way to my client, in subway, I was reading Metro newspaper and they said that James Levine will not be to the end of this season at Tanglewood as he is going to a kidney removing surgery. It looks like he will be back in September for MET opening. Very sad news indeed. I wish to Levine to do well in his medial sabbatical, I hope he will be with us active as productive as long as possibleā€¦

The caT

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