Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Brahms Double Concerto
Post Subject: Nocturnal EmissionsPosted by Paul S on: 6/19/2008
Not to take away from Brahms, but just the "audio-centric" rejoinders...

Many years ago, in LA, I used to love to stay awake or even wake up to listen to late night FM.  The sense of "space" was uncanny, and the absence of noise was surreal, even when they played LPs I had that I "knew" sounded merly OK by day on the TT.  Technically, I think it has partly to do with compression; but who cares?

I have some "6-Eye" Columbia LPs from the late 50s - 60s that sound about as good as anything; nice recordings and surprisingly good pressings, IF you can find the early pressings.  I'm NOT speaking of performances...

As for perfectly-rendered talent, it appears that no one had a lock on that!  I only wish my best performances also had the best sound!  Still, IMO, there are major "issues" with great recordings that involve "musical aesthetics" more than range, measured noise, etc.  I would gladly trade some of my "better" later editions for scratchy originals of certain seminal works, this for musical reasons, not for monetary "value".

It has been "interesting" in cases where I have been able to compare originals with recent "audiophile" pressings.

I can think of very few cases where the later "re-masters" have been as musically satisfying.  (OK, none...)

OTOH, good  "FM Sound" is just one of Life's Little Mysteries.

Sure, I prefer the "range" from well-rendered LPs; but I just wish all my LPs always sounded as good on my TT as they do on good (late-nite) FM broadcasts

A Top Secret Tip:  find/buy the broadcast "demos" if/when you can...

Best regards,

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site