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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Tenor amplifier and the writing waves.
Post Subject: I read more about Tenor amp.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/14/2008
I read one more page from the Tenor description, before the author begun to talk about sound. A correction need to be made, from the first pages I understood that the amp use 6N6P driver but on the next pages it was not the case. Perhaps I confused something. Also, I found strange that the writing dude so much stressed the absence of feedback in the new Tenor amp. If the amp has 12AX7 at input then it automatically means a feedback to cathode. What the hell this tuber will do at line-level input if it has 1V of bias?
Generally from the description (living aside some bogus statement was made in the article) I like what Tenor was trying to do and it might be interesting to listen the thing. Though I very much do not like the pressure the glorious memory of the former Tenor amp – the 75i OTL. That amp was crap and if the new Tenor amp is intellectually based upon the 75i OTL sound then it is very much not good, though I am sure that the Morons out there with EMM Lab microwave DACs and Kharma/Magico ear piercing loudspeakers will like exactly that. Also I am very much not pleased with their dynamic biasing of output stage - stabilize temperature and do not screw with bias, bias = Sound, do not touch it. I have no idea why they need to have so sensible temperature control on output transistors – if they do not have temperature buffer and yank bias with rise of class AB temperature then it most likely would be crappy sounding amp. Still, I have no idea what they do and they are just my speculations.
Anyhow my major concern about this amp is that Tenor when very cheap with this amp. Tenor trying to push this amps for $90K, it is a lot of money but they offers a call AB amp for $90K? Are they kidding? If the amp has so allegaedly good driver stage for amp then let person to have 150W-200W of pure class “A”. If a person is willing to pay $90K for amp then he or she can certainly afford electric bill and certainly would like to go for better sound instead to conserve power. However, Tenor presumably not willing to invest anything, juts repackaged the old amp (and the author of the article make significant attempt to make readers to believe that it was not the case) without designing a new amp for class “A” biasing. With contemporary cooling method it would not be difficult but I presume that 1.000.000 that Tenor supposedly spent for new 350M was not enough. I understand: the lawyers for that bankrupts filing were so expensive…
The catRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site