Being exposed to a SPD would be interesting, but as you see it and I understand it should be, it might produce more distress and frustration than being as blind as most of us are now. It would be as frustrating as exposing a person eating survival pre-cooked food all his life to a delicious meal with belluga, the finest sirloin, cakes and wines you can find on Earth, cooked by the best cook, and after that leaving him back again to his survival food. Just a nice experience, but nothing that really can help you to get a better life each forthcoming day. You should be tought to cook, to get the condiments and to find the markets to get the food to be cooked. With that knowledge you'd be able to cook for yourself things closer to that delicious meal, or even better if you can do it completely adapted to your own taste, but without the basics, you can do very little. How could one learn the basics of "true music through audio"? |