Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: “How audio might sound”
Post Subject: Re: Let's suppose ....Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/13/2005
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I disagree, Antonio. I feel that if that “Stressed Playback Demonstration” be conducted then a listener should not even be aware neither what components-topology were used nor what kind principles were utilized to accomplish the result. What should be avoided is a situation when a person heard something that he greatly appreciated and then stupidly run to a store and buy those black boxes – I have seen it many-many times and I always felt disappointed when it happened.
Sure questions come later but who said that the answers should be delivered and who said that answers even exist? If an average person with a standard audiophile background would experience a great playback installation then this person NEVER able to identity the ingredients that were responsible for the system greatness. Here is an important part: whatever the ordinary audiophiles know or understand about audio (no mater how little it is) has NO RELATION with the practical methods that should be used to accomplish those "great installations".
In fact, I do not believe that it possible to teach anyone to those "methods". You see, the key word in here is self-evolvement and an ability of a person to sense the things, to educate her/himself how and what to listen while they listening and his/her ability to react accordingly. I do not think that those things could be taught; they could be reached but not taught. Those skills and answers come from within and could be only self-developed. It like playing stings or building up a taste: you can certainly be trained but until you exercise at your own you never reach a high intensity of those “skills”.
Therefore, I think those “Stressed Playback Demonstrations” should juts reveal what is possible (and this is enough!!!) and then the person should be abandoned to be on his/her own. Any further assistance from the side of those playback builders would unavoidably inject the builder’s ego and it is a completely unnecessary not to say evil thing.
Antonio, be advised that I personally do not believe that those Stressed Playback Demonstration Rooms could exist in the format that I proposed: there are many objective reasons why. At least they could not come up from the people who are plugged into audio industry. There are many self-regulating settings that severely limit audio professionals and hugely condition them, and in the end unavoidably removes any audio potency from their hands and heads.
The Cat
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