Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The loudspeakers for a powerful SET
Post Subject: A2-capable is OK in A1Posted by Paul S on: 4/15/2008
Some of the more powerful SETs (including some of the Gm70s, I think) run parallel output tubes, and some go into A2. I know parallel output can work at line levels, but no experience I can recall with parallel output at high levels.
My Wright 2A3 SETs went well into A2, and the DEBZs put them there a lot. Distortion is quite present and obnoxious in A2, but oddly, A1 actually seems to benefit from the "headroom", meaning I still had more acceptable power than from typical A1-only 2A3 SETs.
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site