*********** From here, read carefuly because it is important ***********
The positions of the instruments are an arteffect of sound reproduction and in real "live" you do not recognize the instruments positioning. You acknowledge thier presents “somewhere there” but you never recognize it as “right” or “left”. The real "SPACE" of “life” musical event is “instantaneously dimensional” and our awareness ever-present at each single particle of the performing space. When you listen "life" music you do not listen first violins and then migrate your listening attention to right where the cellos are. Our listening consciousness performs multitasking, instantaneously sampling space within an unlimited amount of locations, and then instantaneously (and without any hierarchy of events) allows us to experience the sensed. Sound reproduction never furnishes the same opportunity as space presented in reproduction has a hierarchical and sequential pattern. The only sound that I even heard that was very much different from a typical “reproduced Sound” was the sound of Melquiades. I am not kidding: when I said that Melquiades produce VERY DIFFERENT sound I really meant it.
*********** End of important part ***********