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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: The nature of "soundstage" in audio.
Post Subject: Compression experimentPosted by drdna on: 2/4/2008
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I propose that soundstage is a derivative property of compression. Stripping compression destroys soundstage, increasing of compression makes soundstage more tangible.

Yes, I have no argument with anything you have said.  As I said before, I think the soundstage is an artificial distortion of the imaging, like a lens bending light.  I am inclined to agree since compressoin will shift frequencies, which are ultimately affecting timing.  And it is subtle timing changes with reflections that affect the imaging.  Is it possible that a simple experiment can be done with cassette players and the Dolby filter since this equalization affects compression for example? Adrian

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