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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: 6 Channel Version of Super Melquiades
Post Subject: Super Milq 6 channels diaries: one is done…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 1/22/2008
Eventually the right channel of the last revision of the 6-Channel Super Melquiades is complete. It has the new dedicated power supplies for single-stage amplifiers, the 600V Schottky rectification for 200V line and 1200V Schottky for 400V lines, the film filtration for single-stage amps, the new set of toroidal transformers for B+ of the second stage, improved PS for bass channel, and some other very minor optimizations that I developed after my using of the 6-Channel Milq and after I got more experience to build this damn heavy thing. The Amp is 78 pounds and the power supply is 74 pounds. The amp and power supply are full tester and ready to be closed up, hopefully for good. Any further play with sound might be only via the tubes from outside, so the project for the last channel is officially over. It is only left to clean the thing up and… to implement the changed on the left channel (which will not be difficult).
I found 1.5 years old pictures when I just started to make 3-Channel Super Melquiades, they are posted below - first 4 images. It was an interesting but very wearing journey. If I knew I would not go for it. However, it is through now and as a friend of mine said “you would no need to do it again”. After all that pain I am glad that Macondo’s amplifier sounds in the way how I what and how I understand it but not in the way how somebody else desired for me. I am also glad the Macondo’s amplifier serves the explicit Macondo’s needs and Macondo demands. Will, the 6-Channel Melquiades’ idea changed in future? It all depends how critical I will be with the results that Melquiades-Macondo will serve in a long run. So far the Melquiades-Macondo presence a pinnacle of my personal design understanding how playback might sound, and the actual sonic result that I was getting for the last 3-4 month suggest that I was in a right direction. If I discover eventually specific aspects that dissatisfy me and if I learn that they were due to the amplification then it will be a motivation for thinking further. Until them I am planning to live with Macondo-6-Ch-Melquiades setup.

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