Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Summary: my/your audio: year by year
Post Subject: Not so eventful 2007Posted by Wojtek on: 1/2/2008
I lost all hope for horn loaded Lowther speakers . Got Phile Mikey (fremmer) recommended TT and  new old MC cartrige (benz Mc3) so analong front sounds comparable to old modded MCintosh CD player I have. I finished (took al ong time ) Hagerman cornet phono stage and it handily surpased my Jfet phono pre. After spending a little bit of time around Audiogon virtual systems I became a fan of black color and square boxes (thank you too! Electronoluv Josh). I got used to treat electricity problems like an "Act of God" and enjoy the weekend evening sessions without agonizing over  rest of the week missery.
For the new 2008 :
Well since most of you goodsounders already got your Lamms, Mussatex , Vitavox and  Placette units, and even are properly "teaching" them to get "the results " I'm planning to lunch a campaign of badmouthing these very products so cheap Jaks like me also could get their chance .

I wish You all the best and reaching the fourth level so I can send you may collection of table radios and collect your abandoned crap.

Best regards to all,

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site