Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Prices in High-End Audio.
Post Subject: Formulation of reasons: Benefit of Purpose vs. Believing in ValuesPosted by Romy the Cat on: 12/19/2007
What I found fascinating in relationship between high-end audio and prices that price high-end is not a subject of “benefit of purpose” but the subject of believing in values. Without cognitive understanding this simple difference the industry stupid cheerleaders instead of demanding from various manufacturer better satisfaction of purpose spin the wheels propaganda, convincing customers that the product’s proposed values are justifiable.
There is nothing wrong using price as a sale tool, particularly in America where people use “acquireing” as an act of entertainment, however it “works” when the Benefit of Purpose is ALSO plugged into formulation of reasons. I had a conversation a year or so ago with one Moron who is considered by the Industry as a “famous reviewer”. I asked him if he ever considered writing his reviews without any bind to any specific products. He told me that I proposed was idiotic…
The Cat Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site