Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The 'nature' of said realities.
Post Subject: :¬)Posted by paul williams on: 11/12/2007
 Manitou wrote:

Second, I apologise for any annoyance caused by my missive(s).  I had my doubts at the time, and was a little fluey to boot.  Not an excuse.

Christopher Jorna

P.S. Why Brimar???

No need to apologise, especially as no annoyance was cause, indeed, perhaps I should apologise as my responses were calculated to illicit further more detailed thoughts rather than the initial one liners :¬)

As to why Brimar, its to do with that specific tube & my enthusiasm for it.  Which in turn allows certain people on other forums to know who I am.


Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site