Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Phase plug for midbass
Post Subject: Midbass horn constructionPosted by malinowski on: 10/1/2007
Thank you Ulf and Jessie,
I can't wait to get this started. Jessie I am going to send this plaster spec to my supplier and see if I can find something close..
In the past I would use plaster for creating a wax form.. then put the wax form into a silica slip or sand mold and pour metals into it.. have made single pieces as large as about 250lbs of bronze this way..
but in this project i am intending to take a larger round picnic table run a pipe up thru the middle and build a volcano of plaster.. then shave the plaster off with a template curve.. this will form the inside of the horn.. from there i will pour victory brown wax over it.. and model the thickness and outside profile with another template.. perhaps one with a heated edge...
then I should have a nice wax midbass horn.
then I can tweak the throat of that.. (victory wax is actually a nice sculpting medium) until i am happy with it.. will try the convex throat as romy suggested.. then variations of Ulfs infamous phase plug (which I find very interesting)..
after that i can make a multi part plaster mold of my horn using a hard plaster like the one you suggested..
then.. figure out what to pour into it.. concrete? acrylic? will need a use a good sealer but...
and neat to arrive at this contruction in yet another manner.. Romy's turned MDF, Ulfs amazing cast concrete, and Jessies Dazzling plaster.
ok.. thanks all of you. will post pictures once all the parts arrive and i can make space in the garage. Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site