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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: Bias and heatPosted by jessie.dazzle on: 10/1/2007
 Paul S wrote:

"...Obviously I will have to keep a closer watch on the OPs..."


Though I don't let my ML2s go more than a month without verifying the bias, once, due possibly to a screwy tube, one of them did go significantly off spec... I don't remember how far off, but I do remember noticing that the power transformer (??? well anyway, the one on the right as you approach the amp) on that amp was significantly warmer to the touch.

This difference in temp could of course have been due to something else... for one thing, the two amps are on independent circuits... it could also have been something like my waf simply leaving the window open above one of them while I was off working on horns.

Since that time, I have not been able to confirm any relationship between bias and transformer temp; as it takes half the day for the transformer to reach thermal stability, this is not something one can check in five minutes. Also, I have been keeping an even closer watch on the bias, and have been monitoring the transformer temperatures at shut down, which now always feel the same (meaning the right transformer on each amp is warmish, and the left is cool).

Have you or any other ML2 users ever noticed a relationship between bias and transformer temp?


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