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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Devid Berning amplifiers: the anti-trnsformers frenzy?
Post Subject: “….the linearity of the Berning in comparison with the Lamm is quite remarkable”Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/26/2007

 Merlin wrote:
If there's one thing I hate about internet forums it's people postulating about sounic characteristics and possible failing in equipment they have never heard.

Merlin, I was under impression that it is very obvious that whatever I am able to say on the subject is pure speculation. You know very well that if I did have any personal familiarity with Siegfried amplifier then I would speak with very different tone and manner, regardless if I were right or wrong. I did not see me postulating about “sonic characteristics of Siegfried” but rather I explored my initial reaction to the Siegfried’s anecdotic rumor. I do not see anything wrong with it …

 Merlin wrote:
FWIW Romy, David has been making waves and creating groundbreaking designs for over 30 years - this is no new kid on the block. David is preoccupied with improving on existing solutions. That is his raison d'etre. I think he succeeds in many areas and a number of very knowlegable individuals tend to agree with that. If you don't, that's fine. Opinions are interesting. But good opinions are based on experience.

But I do not think you would be satisfied if in responds to your motioning Siegfried I would reply only with word “OK”, would you? You went a long way from obscure phraseology of your initial posts to quite eloquent explanations of own views – I appreciate it and I think it serves good service to the subject of this thread.

 Merlin wrote:
The Siegfried addresses my concerns neatly and successfully - and is without doubt as pure a form of triode amplification as anything on the market as evidenced by the transfer characteristics being preserved so clearly.

The “transfer characteristics being preserved so clearly”… Interesting view….

 Merlin wrote:
I'm not here to "big up" the amp anyway - you can't buy one even if you want to. But at least now you are aware of the existance of amps that don't suffer from the traditional SET failings. 

Merlin, I think you are missing a whole point. The Siegfried might not suffer from the traditional SET failings but it is not a SET topology anymore. It is still a single-ended amplifier it is uses triode of course but  it sound does not necessary is indicative to the sound, advantage and disadvantages of single-ended amplifiers. If you have an out stage of CD player build around a bipolar transistor and the CD player us used in a broadcast of in your local FM radio station then would it be possible to label the sound that you pick at your FM tuner as something the is characteristic to the bipolar out stages? I doubt. Siegfried own class amplifiers, I think and I wish your guys when try to talk about advantages of Siegfried will talks about it’s own sound instead of accusing SET in what they do. A reasonable question would be: why I do not feel that you just do the following:

 because so far I did not hear from you that you explore the subject of SET appropriately.  David, decagrams do not show SET operation but show actually an operation of a broken amplifier. You suggest that your 93dB ported driver, which is notoriously “upper bass” (like all the rest JBL bass drivers), did not allow you to be happy with ML2 extreme frequency. You might be right in your conclusions (even if you are Jazz listener) but I doubt that you are correct claiming SET for your finding. Then we have Terry Cain, the most indicative person in this testimony. Do you know if Terry used Siegfried during his demonstrations? Because it he did then I might heard the Bernings and the only question I would have: “how the Berning’s frequency extremes helped to Terry Cain’s Sound”? Do you see where I am coming from? I am trying to put together what I heard from numerous Terry’s attempts and your comment: “large increases on 2nd harmonic at the bottom end”.

Rgs, The Cat

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