Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Devid Berning amplifiers: the anti-trnsformers frenzy?
Post Subject: OKPosted by Merlin on: 9/26/2007
If there's one thing I hate about internet forums it's people postulating about sounic characteristics and possible failing in equipment they have never heard.

FWIW Romy, David has been making waves and creating groundbreaking designs for over 30 years - this is no new kid on the block. David is preoccupied with improving on existing solutions. That is his raison d'etre. I think he succeeds in many areas and a number of very knowlegable individuals tend to agree with that. If you don't, that's fine. Opinions are interesting. But good opinions are based on experience.

As I've said - I think we listen for different things. I can't live with the failings of Lamm for instance, nor can I abide any number of single ended triodes. The Siegfried addresses my concerns neatly and successfully - and is without doubt as pure a form of triode amplification as anything on the market as evidenced by the transfer characteristics being preserved so clearly.

I'm not here to "big up" the amp anyway - you can't buy one even if you want to. But at least now you are aware of the existance of amps that don't suffer from the traditional SET failings.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site