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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: S2 Hissing Sound
Post Subject: Cleaning Time!Posted by jessie.dazzle on: 9/8/2007

If you clean them yourself, here's a tip :

Buy or make a good non-magnetic flat-blade screwdriver (I made one from a solid stainless steel rod... use a "hollow grinding" technique and make sure the tip is a nice fit... not all "stainless steel" is non-magnetic)... If you try working on the driver with a normal magnetic screwdriver, you will be fighting a very strong magnetic field that wants to suck the tool straight through the non-replaceable diaphragm. You don't need this, you need to be free to concentrate only on torque.

One more thing you might consider... There is quite a serious Vitavox user in Italy who applies a thin film of machinists oil ("3in1" for example) to the edge of the metal diaphragm (just the edge... the part that gets clamped) and on the screw threads... He tightens the screws with a minimum of torque. The oil I assume allows sealing the diaphragm, without torquing the screws too tightly. It may also slightly damp diaphragm resonances. I have not yet tried it, but the logic appeals to me. (I need to get this guy's contact info).

To quote the warden in "Cool Hand Luke" :
"Get yur mind right boy" before attempting the operation.

Good luck,


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