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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Musicians' ear
Post Subject: Anyone know any musicians with "good" hi-fis?Posted by Paul S on: 8/24/2007
I thought it was a garden variety truism, if not the truth, that musiicians typically "make do" with - whatever - in the way of hi-fi.

Although we "should" demand "the same thing" from hi-fi that we seek from live music, I would not be surprised if it turns out that musicians are simply able to "get more" from any given playback system.  How can musicians not hear differently than the musically challenged?

I do not mean to be a critical listener all the time, but I have to admit that I have a critical element at work much of the time when I listen, not just to hi-fi but also to live music.  Now that I think of it I guess my hi-fi listening habits carried over to live listening.


I can still just melt when I hear a great performance, and great performances are more likely to overcome problematic sound for me.

I know plenty of musicians who just do not regard hi-fi as "Real Music" but rather listen to playback only for certain cues.

I have also known musicians who seem to like recorded music well enough to collect it, yet they still seem to regard playback in an entirely different way than they they regard playing or even listening to live music.

I imagine the (rectangular!) K-Horns beat out the old SS receiver/CD combo and small-ish Sanyo speakers my friend's son (a long-time professional musician) seems perfectly happy with.

The gal next door played with a symphony for years and now teaches, owns lots of violin recordings and a truly dreadful system.


Best regards,
Paul S

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