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Musical Discussions
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Why I do not love Mahler?
Post Subject:
Intellectualizing Music
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on: 1/10/2005
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Music is meant to create a feeling. Who is to say your feeling is better than my feeling. It;s all about sensitivity to feeling and the creation of emotion.
If a sound (or a set of sounds) can create that emotion & feeling in you, then your good luck. If it cannot, then your bad luck. Don;t blame the creator of the sounds.
I find the extolling of some types of music, and the derogation of other types shallow, as I do criticising some composers, even in one type of music. Who is to know what MAhler felt when he composed it? How does it matter? What matters is what YOU feel when you lsiten. If it leaves you dead, or wanting to turn it off, then that's not Mahler's problem. SOme others may LOVe Mahler. His music may move them. Again, not Mahler's credit.
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