Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: Loading for hammocksPosted by Paul S on: 6/22/2007
Thanks, Romy. I did notice that there is more "apparent volume" at the same gain setting on the pre, and harmonics certainly come into better perspective. Also, the image opens up more vertically, which is a nice effect. I could always run CDs off the 16 Ohm tap with less change vs. the 4 Ohm tap, but until recently LPs just lost too much focus, and they were too inconsistent. Oddly, with the K&K as it is now, focus has improved consideraly using the 16 Ohm taps.
I have made no working assumptions about idling, but I am prone to keep systematically moving along the lines of a benefit until it craps out, then I go back to where it worked best.
I have to say, however, that the effect of running from the 16 Ohm taps versus 4 Ohm is similar to what I remember from messing with feedback, except -- and I suppose this is notable -- that I really do not lose bass strength, albeit the character of the bass changes (for the better, IMO) from tighter/"faster" at 4 Ohms to being harmonically more broadly articulate overall and (sorry...) "more musical" from 16 Ohms. Also, deepening the bass with the phono caps and re-positioning the speakers for the most interesting midrange must have somehow helped to even out what had been pretty uneven bass response, too, or it helped me to focus on and solve the "real" problems, and that evened the bass. Otherwise, I am a loss to explain it.
Anyway, I will try to learn more about the 16 Ohm sound after I get settled in my new digs (including getting the power and ground issues dealt with!).
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site