Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: The Euvro and PS AudioPosted by Romy the Cat on: 6/17/2007
BTW, the Jessie,
since you will be apparently mingling with you PP converting it into Euvro (Romynism form European Voltage) then you might find the comments of the PS Audio owner worth attention. Sure, not when his older PP is archaic product he is egger to make those comments. I never head him in response to the European fool-reviewers drool about P300 post any manufacture comments stating the their observations are worthless because their units used the faulty sounding transformers… Wait until the Premier MK2 become available and …suddenly we learn that the first Premier had some “known sound inflicting flows that we have fixed in the MK2” It reminds me as a few years ago Lamm was instructing his customers that if you buy his amplifier more then 5 years ago then you need to sell it and but a new one because the parts that he used in a few years of being exploited are losing ability to comply with his “theory of hearing”…..
Anyhow here is what PaulMC said:
*** The P300 European version relied on an output transformer to raise the voltage on its output from 120 to 230. This transformer wasn't the best thing in the world for the system and it led to some colorations in the sound. One of our goals with the PPP was to eliminate the need for this step up transformer which, indeed, we did
Rgs, Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site