Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Haniwa Cybernetic Audio System
Post Subject: Violent "compression"?Posted by Paul S on: 5/17/2007
Romy, no doubt the following derives wholly from my ignorance on the subject, but I have not been able to get away from a sense of "variable compression" with any compression horns I have tried. By "variable compression" I mean that the compression effect is like a trombone that re-shapes notes according to frequency and volume and also sounds to me like a "trombone" with respect to dynamics, in a similar but not entirely parallel manner.
A while back I heard and found very interesting a ridiculously priced pair of large TAD "Pro Monitors". They were quite aggressive, but they sounded to me less trombone-like than other horns I remembered at the time. But, now that you mention it, there was a fairly consistent sort of "pressure" about the sound that made it somewhat menacing, even with lighter music. Still, better tonal accuracy than I had heard from horns before, and pretty good continuity, too.
I have been keeping a weather eye out for horn talk I can relate to, and your mention of the TAD as "violently" compressing has me wondering how one avoids both the violent and the trombone-type compression.
Obviously, I have not heard every compression horn...
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site