Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: The one-stage Melquiades.
Post Subject: The one-stage Melq: the VERY unexpected result.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/22/2007
I put the Super Milq and the new one-stage Milq today and was playing them together in order to see which would be more interesting. It is imposable to “compare” as is the upper bass and lover mid channels as the Super Milq has all kind of line level filers built in. Then only channels that very intentionally free from any filtration in the Super Milq is HF channel I was able to play Vitavox S2 in it’s 400Hz horn with 1000Hz filter driven in absolutely identical condition with both amps: HF channels if Super Milq and the one-stage Milq (when I talk in this post about Super Milq I mean the HF channel of Super Milq)

I would preserve my final judgement for later (there are reasons) but the initials impression is very much unexpected. I was predicted everything but not what I got.
So, currently the one-stage Milq has 1.33dB higher gain then Super Milq and equalizing the volumes I learned that the sound was VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL. In fact to my surprise I was VERY impressed (and completely did not expect) with the transparency of the Melquiades output stage. It hard to judge it neutrality as it is over 1kHz sound and it is possible to do only just the “technical listening”.
Anyhow, the preliminary result is that HF Super Milq and the new one-stage Milq sound the same. There is some minor and near negligible difference but to assess this “difference” it I need to do something… I will repost it later…
So fat – a big surprise to me… Hm, if the damn stage around 6C33C is so transparent then it would be a good idea…. to make a line level preamp around it….
Romy the caTRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site