Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: How Mussorgsky should sound!
Post Subject: HMV at 40K'Posted by mats on: 4/9/2007
The Richter Sofia HMV arrived just as I was leaving for Stockholm, so somewhere over Newfoundland I got my first taste of what surely must have been a sanitorium concert. Despite the audience's pneumatic suffering I was completely blown away by this increcible artistic achievement. The lower register work had me jump in my seat, curtesy of Shure earphones and some bass boost. Before horns and Romy I listened mostly to chamber music. Now after much more "content rich" orchestral music I was once again forced to ask myself if this kind of musical intensity and expression is even possible if there is an entire ensemble at work. Perhaps instrumental music will always have a potential for greater artistic expression than its orchestrated counterpart. Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site