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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Time Alignment : Live Performances vs Audio
Post Subject: Time AllignmentPosted by Stringreen on: 3/31/2007
Time Allignment has nothing to do with the placement of instruments in an orchestra. Did anyone wonder why a violin playing 2nd space A sounds different that a trumpet playing the same pitch? In physics, when a string or air column in excited into vibration, not only does the basic pitch get reproduced, but so does its harmonic series - an octave higher, then a 5th higher than that, etc. The violin's overtone series differs from the trumpets in that although the same pitches are produced, the strengths of each overtone varies quite a bit. If the speaker doesn't reproduce these overtones accurately, the violin may very sound trumpet-like and vice versa. ...not a good thing ...on another issue.. a request to Romy the Cat - the discussion would be more authoritive if you could edit your spelling, syntax, grammer, etc. Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site